Sunday, August 31, 2008

Watching Gustav

I was 34 weeks pregnant when Katrina blew into Louisiana. Watching the aftermath had was horrible. I wanted to get out and tell the stories of all these people who all had gut wrenching stories to tell. But I was in full-on nesting mode, expecting my first baby. Not about to go all "Fargo" like and run around in the trenches with my big belly. But, to this day, I regret that I couldn't be there to paint the picture of what it was like in my space at that moment with each moment. Now, here comes Gustav. I hope it dissipates. Out my window, it is cloudy and hot. Not a single leaf lifts with the wind. Charlotte, all sweet smells in jammies is nestled into my neck. What stories will I type one-handed next week? I hope it will just be the ones I had on my to-do list on Friday.

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