Thursday, October 23, 2008

Overwhelmed? One more guilt trip for moms.

Recently, this episode of Oprah aired about a woman who forgot her 2-year-old daughter in the back of her car. After 7 hours at work, a coworker came rushing in and told her that her baby was in the car. The little girl did not survive.

Oprah's angle on the topic is a bit puzzling. Her take is that this mother, like so many mothers, was just overwhelmed and multitasking so much that she forgot her daughter. To me, that sounds like a big yoke to put on all of us who are trying to do more than just focus on our children every waking moment. Oprah told her audience during this show that they should SLOW DOWN before they make a tragic mistake like this one. During the show, mother after mother lamented the times she wasn't absolutely, 100% in the moment with little 9 month old Charlie or 17-month-old Samantha "Something terrible could have happened," was the general consensus, "I let my mind wander and it is all my fault."

To which I say, Come on! This was one ridiculously out of it woman who actually talked about her children and still didn't remember that she had left one of them gasping for air in her car. As if motherhood weren't rife with guilt to begin with, now we have to feel badly if our mind wanders or if we want to check our Blackberry once in awhile.

I am all for being mindful, living in the moment, paying attention. (Heck, I used to race bicycles, which is a focus-or-die proposition.) But I think it is wrong of Oprah to condemn mothers who have more on their minds than what junior or little bit is doing this moment, to that moment, to that moment, to that moment to infinity.

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