Monday, June 16, 2008

Working around the clock

Last night Charlotte was up at 3 AM so I took the opportunity to work on my latest story, a profile of a significant sports figure. Writing e-mails at 3 AM gives you either the advantage of looking like you are so passionate about your work that you are willing to work through the night or the disadvantage of looking like you are crazy and sleep-deprived. It could be a little bit of both, in fact.

Back before I had kids I truly did wake up in the night to write down thoughts I had. But honestly, I don't like working at 3 AM. So I desperately hope that the person I e-mailed responds with a nice interview.

It is amazing how you use whatever tools you have when you are a reporter. Last week I actually tried to get Charlotte to coo while leaving a message for a plum source because I know this guy is a sucker for little kids. Hey, whatever it takes.

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